
351 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
#include "precompiled.h"
// Lightweight maintenance, invoked frequently
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
/* <3c635f> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_update.cpp:26 */
void CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(Upkeep)(void)
CCSBotManager *ctrl = TheCSBots();
if (ctrl->IsLearningMap() || !IsAlive())
if (m_isRapidFiring)
// aiming must be smooth - update often
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
if (IsAimingAtEnemy())
// aim at enemy, if he's still alive
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
if (m_enemy != NULL)
float feetOffset = pev->origin.z - GetFeetZ();
if (IsEnemyVisible())
if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.5f)
const float k = 3.0f;
m_aimSpot = (m_enemy->pev->velocity - pev->velocity) * g_flBotCommandInterval * k + m_enemy->pev->origin;
m_aimSpot = m_enemy->pev->origin;
bool aimBlocked = false;
const float sharpshooter = 0.8f;
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
if (IsUsingAWP() || IsUsingShotgun() || IsUsingMachinegun() || GetProfile()->GetSkill() < sharpshooter
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
|| (IsActiveWeaponRecoilHigh() && !IsUsingPistol() && !IsUsingSniperRifle()))
if (IsEnemyPartVisible(CHEST))
// No headshots, go for the chest.
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
aimBlocked = true;
if (aimBlocked)
m_aimSpot.z -= feetOffset * 0.25f;
else if (!IsEnemyPartVisible(HEAD))
if (IsEnemyPartVisible(CHEST))
m_aimSpot.z -= feetOffset * 0.5f;
else if (IsEnemyPartVisible(LEFT_SIDE))
Vector2D to = (m_enemy->pev->origin - pev->origin).Make2D();
m_aimSpot.x -= to.y * 16.0f;
m_aimSpot.y += to.x * 16.0f;
m_aimSpot.z -= feetOffset * 0.5f;
else if (IsEnemyPartVisible(RIGHT_SIDE))
Vector2D to = (m_enemy->pev->origin - pev->origin).Make2D();
m_aimSpot.x += to.y * 16.0f;
m_aimSpot.y -= to.x * 16.0f;
m_aimSpot.z -= feetOffset * 0.5f;
else // FEET
m_aimSpot.z -= (feetOffset + feetOffset);
m_aimSpot = m_lastEnemyPosition;
// add in aim error
m_aimSpot.x += m_aimOffset.x;
m_aimSpot.y += m_aimOffset.y;
m_aimSpot.z += m_aimOffset.z;
Vector toEnemy = m_aimSpot - pev->origin;
Vector idealAngle = UTIL_VecToAngles(toEnemy);
idealAngle.x = 360.0 - idealAngle.x;
SetLookAngles(idealAngle.y, idealAngle.x);
if (m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose)
// dont look at spots just in front of our face - it causes erratic view rotation
const float tooCloseRange = 100.0f;
if ((m_lookAtSpot - pev->origin).IsLengthLessThan(tooCloseRange))
m_lookAtSpotState = NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT;
switch (m_lookAtSpotState)
// look ahead
SetLookAngles(m_lookAheadAngle, 0);
if (IsLookingAtPosition(&m_lookAtSpot, m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance))
m_lookAtSpotState = LOOK_AT_SPOT;
m_lookAtSpotTimestamp = gpGlobals->time;
if (m_lookAtSpotDuration >= 0.0f && gpGlobals->time - m_lookAtSpotTimestamp > m_lookAtSpotDuration)
m_lookAtSpotState = NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT;
m_lookAtSpotDuration = 0.0f;
float driftAmplitude = 2.0f;
// have view "drift" very slowly, so view looks "alive"
if (IsUsingSniperRifle() && IsUsingScope())
driftAmplitude = 0.5f;
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
m_lookYaw += driftAmplitude * BotCOS(33.0f * gpGlobals->time);
m_lookPitch += driftAmplitude * BotSIN(13.0f * gpGlobals->time);
// view angles can change quickly
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
void (*pCCSBot__Update)(void);
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
/* <3c6e1e> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_update.cpp:208 */
NOBODY void __declspec(naked) CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(Update)(void)
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
jmp pCCSBot__Update
// {
// class CCSBotManager *ctrl; // 210
// float const rememberNoiseDuration; // 401
// float const recomputeApproachPointTolerance; // 419
// class CBasePlayer *threat; // 459
// float const seenRecentTime; // 572
// float const safeRearmTime; // 676
// float const avoidTime; // 691
// float const earliestAutoFollowTime; // 807
// float const minAutoFollowTeamwork; // 808
// {
// Vector vecAiming; // 342
// Vector vecSrc; // 344
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 341
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 349
// operator*(float fl,
// const Vector &v); // 349
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 351
// operator*(float fl,
// const Vector &v); // 351
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 351
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 349
// }
// {
// Vector dir; // 366
// float length; // 367
// const class SpotOrder *order; // 369
// Vector along; // 370
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 364
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 364
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 366
// NormalizeInPlace(Vector *const this); // 367
// {
// const_iterator iter; // 371
// end(list<SpotOrder, std::allocator<SpotOrder>> *const this); // 371
// operator*(float fl,
// const Vector &v); // 375
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 375
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 377
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 377
// operator++(_List_const_iterator<SpotOrder> *const this); // 371
// }
// }
// {
// Vector from; // 385
// float const size; // 387
// Vector arrow; // 389
// GetEyePosition(const class CCSBot *const this); // 385
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 391
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 391
// }
// ForgetNoise(CCSBot *const this); // 403
// SetClearedTimestamp(CNavArea *const this,
// int teamID); // 415
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 420
// IsLengthGreaterThan(const Vector *const this,
// float length); // 420
// AckAnalysisRequest(CCSBotManager *const this); // 215
// {
// float const selfDefenseRange; // 465
// {
// float const knifeAttackRange; // 490
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 491
// IsLengthLessThan(const Vector *const this,
// float length); // 491
// }
// GetEnemy(CCSBot *const this); // 485
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 483
// IsLengthLessThan(const Vector *const this,
// float length); // 483
// {
// float const recentAttackDuration; // 512
// GetTimeSinceAttacked(const class CCSBot *const this); // 513
// }
// SetLastSeenEnemyTimestamp(CCSBotManager *const this); // 522
// }
// IsAwareOfEnemyDeath(const class CCSBot *const this); // 530
// GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy(const class CCSBot *const this); // 573
// {
// Vector target; // 591
// }
// {
// bool doToss; // 601
// IsElapsed(const class CountdownTimer *const this); // 605
// }
// IsActiveWeaponReloading(const class CBot *const this); // 677
// {
// float const duration; // 704
// float crouchDelayTime; // 705
// float standUpTime; // 706
// float elapsed; // 708
// }
// {
// unsigned char status; // 784
// HostageWasTaken(CSGameState *const this); // 793
// }
// {
// float gonnaBlowTime; // 755
// }
// GetElapsedRoundTime(const class CCSBotManager *const this); // 809
// {
// class CBasePlayer *leader; // 820
// GetClosestVisibleHumanFriend(const class CCSBot *const this); // 820
// IsAutoFollowAllowed(const class CBasePlayer *const this); // 821
// {
// float const maxFollowCount; // 824
// {
// float const autoFollowRange; // 827
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 828
// IsLengthLessThan(const Vector *const this,
// float length); // 828
// {
// class CNavArea *leaderArea; // 830
// {
// class PathCost pc; // 833
// float travelRange; // 834
// PathCost(PathCost *const this,
// class CCSBot *bot,
// enum RouteType route); // 833
// NavAreaTravelDistance<PathCost>(CNavArea *startArea,
// class CNavArea *endArea,
// class PathCost &costFunc); // 834
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// {
// class CBaseEntity *leader; // 865
// float const highTeamwork; // 872
// {
// float minFollowDuration; // 875
// GetFollowDuration(const class CCSBot *const this); // 876
// }
// }
// {
// float const campChance; // 890
// }
// IsReloading(CBasePlayer *const this); // 920
// IsElapsed(const class CountdownTimer *const this); // 927
// {
// float const waitForHostageRange; // 929
// Start(CountdownTimer *const this,
// float duration); // 936
// IsElapsed(const class CountdownTimer *const this); // 941
// Start(CountdownTimer *const this,
// float duration); // 945
// }
// GetLooseBomb(CCSBotManager *const this); // 743
// GetBomber(CCSBot *const this); // 740
// GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy(const class CCSBot *const this); // 678
// }
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
// NavAreaBuildPath<PathCost> hook
bool NavAreaBuildPath__PathCost__wrapper(CNavArea *startArea, CNavArea *goalArea, const Vector *goalPos, PathCost &costFunc, CNavArea **closestArea)
return NavAreaBuildPath(startArea, goalArea, goalPos, costFunc, closestArea);
2015-12-09 01:39:54 +03:00
void CCSBot::Upkeep(void)
void CCSBot::Update(void)
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
#endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL