
542 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
#include "precompiled.h"
// Used to update view angles to stay on a ladder
/* <3d8352> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:16 */
float StayOnLadderLine(CCSBot *me, const CNavLadder *ladder)
// determine our facing
NavDirType faceDir = AngleToDirection( me->pev->v_angle.y );
const float stiffness = 1.0f;
// move toward ladder mount point
switch (faceDir)
2015-08-20 13:35:01 +03:00
case NORTH:
return stiffness * (ladder->m_top.x - me->pev->origin.x);
case EAST:
return stiffness * (ladder->m_top.y - me->pev->origin.y);
case SOUTH:
return -stiffness * (ladder->m_top.x - me->pev->origin.x);
case WEST:
return -stiffness * (ladder->m_top.y - me->pev->origin.y);
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
return 0.0f;
void (*pCCSBot__UpdateLookAngles)(void);
/* <3d882c> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:48 */
void __declspec(naked) CCSBot::UpdateLookAngles(void)
jmp pCCSBot__UpdateLookAngles
//float stiffness;
//float damping;
//if (IsAttacking())
// damping = 30.0f;
// stiffness = 300.0f;
// damping = 25.0f;
// stiffness = 200.0f;
//float useYaw = m_lookYaw;
//float usePitch = m_lookPitch;
//const float deltaT = (long double)g_flBotCommandInterval;
//const float maxAccel = 3000.0f;
//const float lookAlongLadderRange = 100.0f;
//const float ladderPitch = 60.0f;
//if (IsUsingLadder())
// NavDirType faceDir = m_pathLadder->m_dir;
// Vector to = m_pathLadder->m_top - pev->origin;
// float idealYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( to );
// if (m_pathLadderFaceIn)
// {
// faceDir = OppositeDirection( faceDir );
// }
// switch (m_pathLadderState)
// {
// {
// Vector to = m_goalPosition - pev->origin;
// if (to.IsLengthLessThan( lookAlongLadderRange ))
// usePitch = -ladderPitch;
// useYaw = idealYaw;
// break;
// }
// {
// Vector to = m_goalPosition - pev->origin;
// if (to.IsLengthLessThan( lookAlongLadderRange ))
// usePitch = ladderPitch;
// useYaw = idealYaw;
// break;
// }
// {
// useYaw = idealYaw;
// usePitch = -ladderPitch;
// break;
// }
// {
// useYaw = idealYaw;
// usePitch = ladderPitch;
// break;
// }
// {
// useYaw = DirectionToAngle( faceDir ) + StayOnLadderLine(this, m_pathLadder);
// usePitch = -ladderPitch;
// break;
// }
// {
// useYaw = DirectionToAngle( faceDir ) + StayOnLadderLine(this, m_pathLadder);
// usePitch = ladderPitch;
// break;
// }
// {
// useYaw = DirectionToAngle( faceDir );
// break;
// }
// }
//// if almost at target angle, snap to it
//const float onTargetTolerance = 1.0f;
//float angleDiff = NormalizeAngle( useYaw - pev->v_angle.y );
//if (angleDiff < onTargetTolerance && angleDiff > -onTargetTolerance)
// m_lookYawVel = 0;
// pev->v_angle.y = useYaw;
// // simple angular spring/damper
// long double accel = (long double)(angleDiff * stiffness - m_lookYawVel * damping);
// //float_precision accel = (float_precision)(angleDiff * stiffness - m_lookYawVel * damping);
// // limit rate
// if (accel > maxAccel)
// accel = maxAccel;
// else if (accel < -maxAccel)
// accel = -maxAccel;
// m_lookYawVel = m_lookYawVel + (deltaT * accel);
// pev->v_angle.y += (deltaT * m_lookYawVel);
//angleDiff = NormalizeAngle( usePitch - pev->v_angle.x );
//// simple angular spring/damper
//// double the stiffness since pitch is only +/- 90 and yaw is +/- 180
//float accel = 2.0f * stiffness * angleDiff - damping * m_lookPitchVel;
//if (accel > maxAccel)
// accel = maxAccel;
//else if (accel < -maxAccel)
// accel = -maxAccel;
//m_lookPitchVel += (deltaT * accel);
//pev->v_angle.x += (deltaT * m_lookPitchVel);
//// limit range - avoid gimbal lock
//if (pev->v_angle.x < -89.0f)
// pev->v_angle.x = -89.0f;
//else if (pev->v_angle.x > 89.0f)
// pev->v_angle.x = 89.0f;
//pev->v_angle.z = 0.0f;
/* <3d8c91> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:238 */
2015-08-20 13:35:01 +03:00
NOBODY bool CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(IsVisible)(const Vector *pos, bool testFOV) const
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
// {
// const Vector *eye; // 248
// class CCSBotManager *ctrl; // 251
// TraceResult result; // 256
// GetEyePosition(const class CCSBot *const this); // 248
// GetEyePosition(const class CCSBot *const this); // 252
// }
/* <3d8d9b> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:269 */
2015-08-20 13:35:01 +03:00
NOBODY bool CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(IsVisible)(CBasePlayer *player, bool testFOV, unsigned char *visParts) const
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
// {
// float const topOfHead; // 271
// float const standFeet; // 272
// float const crouchFeet; // 273
// unsigned char testVisParts; // 274
// Vector spot; // 283
// class Vector2D dir; // 297
// class Vector2D perp; // 299
// float const edgeOffset; // 300
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// float X,
// float Y,
// float Z); // 283
// NormalizeInPlace(Vector2D *const this); // 298
// }
/* <3d8f9f> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:302 */
2015-08-20 13:35:01 +03:00
bool CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(IsEnemyPartVisible)(VisiblePartType part) const
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
if (!IsEnemyVisible())
return false;
return (m_visibleEnemyParts & part) != 0;
/* <3d8f0d> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:331 */
void CCSBot::UpdateLookAt(void)
Vector to = m_lookAtSpot - EyePosition();
Vector idealAngle = UTIL_VecToAngles( to );
idealAngle.x = 360.0f - idealAngle.x;
SetLookAngles(idealAngle.y, idealAngle.x);
/* <3d900c> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:345 */
void CCSBot::SetLookAt(const char *desc, const Vector *pos, PriorityType pri, float duration, bool clearIfClose, float angleTolerance)
if (pos == NULL)
// if currently looking at a point in space with higher priority, ignore this request
if (m_lookAtSpotState != NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT && m_lookAtSpotPriority > pri)
// if already looking at this spot, just extend the time
const float tolerance = 10.0f;
if (m_lookAtSpotState != NOT_LOOKING_AT_SPOT && VectorsAreEqual( pos, &m_lookAtSpot, tolerance ))
m_lookAtSpotDuration = duration;
if (m_lookAtSpotPriority < pri)
m_lookAtSpotPriority = pri;
// look at new spot
m_lookAtSpot = *pos;
m_lookAtSpotState = LOOK_TOWARDS_SPOT;
m_lookAtSpotDuration = duration;
m_lookAtSpotPriority = pri;
m_lookAtSpotAngleTolerance = angleTolerance;
m_lookAtSpotClearIfClose = clearIfClose;
m_lookAtDesc = desc;
/* <3d90a7> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:383 */
NOBODY void CCSBot::InhibitLookAround(float duration)
/* <3d90d3> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:392 */
NOBODY void CCSBot::UpdatePeripheralVision(void)
// {
// float const peripheralUpdateInterval; // 394
// {
// const class SpotOrder *spotOrder; // 403
// Vector pos; // 404
// {
// const_iterator iter; // 406
// end(list<SpotOrder, std::allocator<SpotOrder>> *const this); // 406
// operator++(_List_const_iterator<SpotOrder> *const this); // 406
// {
// const Vector *spotPos;// 410
// }
// }
// }
// }
/* <3d91af> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:429 */
NOBODY void CCSBot::UpdateLookAround(bool updateNow)
// {
// float const noiseStartleRange; // 439
// float const recentThreatTime; // 456
// {
// Vector spot; // 442
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 442
// InhibitLookAround(CCSBot *const this,
// float duration); // 448
// }
// IsLookingAtSpot(const class CCSBot *const this,
// enum PriorityType pri); // 457
// {
// Vector spot; // 461
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 461
// ClearLookAt(CCSBot *const this); // 459
// }
// IsNotMoving(const class CCSBot *const this); // 481
// {
// int which; // 521
// Vector spot; // 522
// IsViewMoving(const class CCSBot *const this,
// float angleVelThreshold); // 489
// {
// float range; // 491
// }
// GetZoomLevel(const class CCSBot *const this); // 497
// ClearLookAt(CCSBot *const this); // 517
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 522
// }
// IsLookingAtSpot(const class CCSBot *const this,
// enum PriorityType pri); // 541
// {
// float asleep; // 550
// Vector delta; // 558
// float length; // 559
// float adx; // 560
// float ady; // 561
// float t; // 562
// float const leadCheckRange; // 570
// class HidingSpot *dangerSpot; // 580
// int dangerSpotCount; // 581
// int dangerIndex; // 582
// float const checkTime; // 584
// const class SpotOrder *spotOrder; // 585
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 558
// Length(const Vector *const this); // 559
// {
// iterator iter; // 586
// end(list<SpotOrder, std::allocator<SpotOrder>> *const this); // 586
// operator++(_List_iterator<SpotOrder> *const this); // 586
// }
// {
// int which; // 607
// const Vector *checkSpot; // 608
// Vector pos; // 610
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 610
// }
// }
// }
/* <3d9618> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:628 */
NOBODY bool CCSBot::BendLineOfSight(Vector *eye, const Vector *point, Vector *bend)
// {
// TraceResult result; // 631
// Vector v; // 641
// float startAngle; // 642
// float length; // 643
// float const angleInc; // 645
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 632
// Length2D(const Vector *const this); // 643
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 641
// {
// float angle; // 646
// {
// int side; // 649
// {
// float actualAngle; // 651
// float dx; // 653
// float dy; // 654
// Vector rotPoint; // 657
// TraceResult result; // 660
// Vector ray; // 667
// float rayLength; // 668
// float visibleLength; // 669
// float const bendStepSize; // 672
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 661
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 667
// NormalizeInPlace(Vector *const this); // 668
// {
// float bendLength; // 673
// {
// Vector rayPoint; // 676
// Vector(Vector *const this,
// float X,
// float Y,
// float Z); // 676
// operator+(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 679
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
/* <3d99e8> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:707 */
NOBODY CBasePlayer *CCSBot::FindMostDangerousThreat(void)
// {
// class CloseInfo threat; // 715
// int threatCount; // 716
// float closeFriendRange; // 721
// float closeHumanFriendRange; // 724
// int i; // 726
// int prevEnemies; // 835
// int prevFriends; // 836
// class PlaceRank placeRank; // 869
// int locCount; // 870
// class PlaceRank common; // 872
// {
// class CBaseEntity *entity; // 729
// class CBasePlayer *player; // 744
// int idx; // 792
// Vector d; // 801
// float distSq; // 802
// FNullEnt(entvars_t *pev); // 734
// {
// int j; // 814
// {
// int k; // 822
// }
// }
// entindex(CBaseEntity *const this); // 747
// entindex(CBaseEntity *const this); // 747
// {
// TraceResult result; // 758
// GetEyePosition(const class CCSBot *const this); // 759
// {
// int idx; // 763
// Vector to; // 768
// float rangeSq; // 769
// entindex(CBaseEntity *const this); // 763
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 768
// LengthSquared(const Vector *const this); // 769
// }
// }
// entindex(CBaseEntity *const this); // 792
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 801
// LengthSquared(const Vector *const this); // 802
// }
// {
// float const recentTime; // 844
// }
// {
// class CNavArea *area; // 879
// unsigned int threatLoc; // 888
// int j; // 893
// }
// {
// int t; // 948
// IsProtectedByShield(CBasePlayer *const this); // 949
// }
// }
/* <3d9f7d> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:960 */
NOBODY void CCSBot::UpdateReactionQueue(void)
// {
// class CBasePlayer *threat; // 967
// int now; // 969
// float reactionTime; // 994
// float maxReactionTime; // 995
// int reactionTimeSteps; // 1000
// int i; // 1002
// IsReloading(CBasePlayer *const this); // 975
// IsProtectedByShield(CBasePlayer *const this); // 976
// }
/* <3da052> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:1013 */
CBasePlayer *CCSBot::GetRecognizedEnemy(void)
if (m_enemyQueueAttendIndex >= m_enemyQueueCount)
return NULL;
return (CBasePlayer *)((CBaseEntity *)m_enemyQueue[ m_enemyQueueAttendIndex ].player);
/* <3da075> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:1025 */
NOBODY bool CCSBot::IsRecognizedEnemyReloading(void)
/* <3da09d> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:1037 */
NOBODY bool CCSBot::IsRecognizedEnemyProtectedByShield(void)
/* <3da0c5> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:1049 */
NOBODY float CCSBot::GetRangeToNearestRecognizedEnemy(void)
// {
// const class CBasePlayer *enemy; // 1051
// GetRecognizedEnemy(CCSBot *const this); // 1051
// operator-(const Vector *const this,
// const Vector &v); // 1054
// Length(const Vector *const this); // 1054
// }
/* <3da170> ../cstrike/dlls/bot/cs_bot_vision.cpp:1063 */
2015-08-20 13:35:01 +03:00
NOBODY void CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(Blind)(float duration, float holdTime, float fadeTime, int alpha)
2015-06-30 12:46:07 +03:00
// Say(BotChatterInterface *const this,
// const char *phraseName,
// float lifetime,
// float delay); // 1091
void CCSBot::Blind(float duration, float holdTime, float fadeTime, int alpha)
Blind_(duration, holdTime, fadeTime, alpha);
bool CCSBot::IsVisible(const Vector *pos, bool testFOV) const
return IsVisible_(pos, testFOV);
bool CCSBot::IsVisible(CBasePlayer *player, bool testFOV, unsigned char *visParts) const
return IsVisible_(player, testFOV, visParts);
bool CCSBot::IsEnemyPartVisible(VisiblePartType part) const
return IsEnemyPartVisible_(part);
#endif // HOOK_GAMEDLL