ReHLDS is a result of reverse engineering of original HLDS (build 6152/6153) using DWARF debug info embedded into linux version of HLDS,
You can try playing on one of many servers that are using ReHLDS: [Game Tracker](
ReHLDS is fully compatible with the official pre-anniversary edition of HLDS (engine version <= 8684) downloaded by steamcmd. All you have to do is to download ReHLDS binaries and replace original swds.dll/ For windows you can also copy a swds.pdb file with a debug information.
<li>sv_delayed_spray_upload <1|0> // Upload custom sprays after entering the game instead of when connecting. It increases upload speed. Default: 0
<li>sv_echo_unknown_cmd <1|0> // Echo in the console when trying execute an unknown command. Default: 0
<li>sv_rcon_condebug <1|0> // Print rcon debug in the console. Default: 1
<li>sv_force_ent_intersection <1|0> // In a 3-rd party plugins used to force colliding of SOLID_SLIDEBOX entities. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_force_dlmax <1|0> // Force a client's cl_dlmax cvar to 1024. It avoids an excessive packets fragmentation. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_hull_centering <1|0> // Use center of hull instead of corner. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_avg_punish // Time in minutes for which the player will be banned (0 - Permanent, use a negative number for a kick). Default: 5
<li>sv_rehlds_movecmdrate_burst_punish // Time in minutes for which the player will be banned (0 - Permanent, use a negative number for a kick). Default: 5
<li>sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_avg_punish // Time in minutes for which the player will be banned (0 - Permanent, use a negative number for a kick). Default: 5
<li>sv_rehlds_stringcmdrate_burst_punish // Time in minutes for which the player will be banned (0 - Permanent, use a negative number for a kick). Default: 5
<li>sv_rehlds_userinfo_transmitted_fields // Userinfo fields only with these keys will be transmitted to clients via network. If not set then all fields will be transmitted (except prefixed with underscore). Each key must be prefixed by backslash, for example "\name\model\*sid\*hltv\bottomcolor\topcolor". See [wiki]( to collect sufficient set of keys for your server. Default: ""
<li>sv_rehlds_attachedentities_playeranimationspeed_fix // Fixes bug with gait animation speed increase when player has some attached entities (aiments). Can cause animation lags when cl_updaterate is low. Default: 0
<li>sv_rehlds_maxclients_from_single_ip // Limit number of connections at the same time from single IP address, not confuse to already connected players. Default: 5
<li>sv_use_entity_file // Use custom entity file for a map. Path to an entity file will be "maps/[map name].ent". 0 - use original entities. 1 - use .ent files from maps directory. 2 - use .ent files from maps directory and create new .ent file if not exist.
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression <1|0> // When enabled server will decompress of incoming compressed file transfer payloads. Default: 1
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression_max_ratio <0|100> // Sets the max allowed ratio between compressed and uncompressed data for file transfer. (A ratio close to 90 indicates large uncompressed data with low entropy) Default: 80.0
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression_max_size <16|65536> // Sets the max allowed size for decompressed file transfer data. Default: 65536 bytes
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression_min_failures <0|10> // Sets the min number of decompression failures required before a player's connection is flagged for potential punishment. Default: 4
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression_max_failures <0|10> // Sets the max number of decompression failures allowed within a specified time window before action is taken against the player. Default: 10
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression_min_failuretime: <0.1|10.0> // Sets the min time in secs within which decompression failures are tracked to determine if the player exceeds the failure thresholds. Default: 0.1
<li>sv_net_incoming_decompression_punish // Time in minutes for which the player will be banned for malformed/abnormal bzip2 fragments (0 - Permanent, use a negative number for a kick). Default: -1
<li>sv_tags <comma-delimited string list of tags> // Sets a string defining the "gametags" for this server, this is optional, but if it is set it allows users/scripts to filter in the matchmaking/server-browser interfaces based on the value. Default: ""
<li>sv_filterban <-1|0|1>// Set packet filtering by IP mode. -1 - All players will be rejected without any exceptions. 0 - No checks will happen. 1 - All incoming players will be checked if they're IP banned (if they have an IP filter entry), if they are, they will be kicked. Default: 1
<li>reslist <sound | model | decal | generic | event> // Separately prints the details of the precached resources for sounds, models, decals, generic and events in server console. Useful for managing resources and dealing with the goldsource precache limits.
<li>rcon_adduser <ipaddress/CIDR> // Add a new IP address or CIDR range to RCON user list (This command adds a new IP address to the RCON user list. The specified IP or CIDR range is granted privileged access to server console. Without any Rcon users, access is allowed to anyone with a valid password)</li>
<li>rcon_deluser <ipaddress> {removeAll} // Remove an IP address or CIDR range from RCON user list</li>