Regamedll_CS is a result of reverse engineering of original library mods HLDS (build 6153beta) using DWARF debug info embedded into linux version of HLDS,
Regamedll_CS is fully compatible with official mod CS 1.6 / CZero by Valve. All you have to do is to download binaries and replace original mp.dll/
<b>Warning!</b> Regamedll_CS is not binary compatible with original hlds since it's compiled with compilers other than ones used for original mod CS. This means that plugins that do binary code analysis (Orpheu for example) probably will not work with Regamedll_CS.
| mp_buytime | 1.5 | 0.0 | - | Designate the desired amount of buy time for each round. (in minutes)<br/>`-1` means no time limit<br/>`0` disable buy |
| mp_maxmoney | 16000 | 0 | `0x7FFFFFFF` | The maximum allowable amount of money in the game |
| mp_round_infinite | 0 | 0 | 1 | Flags for fine grained control (choose as many as needed)<br/>`0` disabled<br/>`1` enabled<br/><br/>or flags<br/>`a` block round time round end check<br/>`b` block needed players round end check<br/>`c` block VIP assassination/success round end check<br/>`d` block prison escape round end check<br/>`e` block bomb round end check<br/>`f` block team extermination round end check<br/>`g` block hostage rescue round end check<br/><br/>`Example setting:` "ae" blocks round time and bomb round end checks |
| mp_roundover | 0 | - | - | The round by expired time will be over, if on a map it does not have the scenario of the game.<br/>`0` disabled<br/>`1` enabled |
| mp_auto_reload_weapons | 0 | 0 | 1 | Automatically reload each weapon on player spawn.<br/>`0` disabled<br/>`1` enabled |
| mp_refill_bpammo_weapons | 0 | 0 | 3 | Refill amount of backpack ammo up to the max.<br/>`0` disabled<br/>`1` refill backpack ammo on player spawn<br/>`2` refill backpack ammo on player spawn and on the purchase of the item<br/>`3` refill backpack ammo on each weapon reload |
| mp_auto_join_team | 0 | 0 | 1 | Automatically joins the team.<br/>`0` disabled<br/>`1` enable (Use in conjunction with the cvar humans_join_team any/CT/T) |
| mp_fragsleft | - | - | - | Is the number of frags left, if you have set mp_fraglimit. You just type mp_fragsleft in server console, and it tells you the number of frags left depending of mp_fraglimit. |
| mp_fraglimit | 0 | - | - | If set to something other than 0, when anybody’s scored reaches mp_fraglimit the server changes map.<br/>`0` means no limit |
| mp_timeleft | - | - | - | Is the number of time left before the map changes, if you have set mp_timelimit. You just type mp_timeleft in server console, and it tells you the number of time left depending of mp_timelimit. |
| mp_timelimit | 0 | - | - | Period between map rotations.<br/>`0` means no limit |
| mp_hostage_hurtable | 1 | 0 | 1 | The hostages can take damage.<br/>`0` disabled<br/>`1` from any team<br/>`2` only from `CT`<br/>`3` only from `T` |
| sv_alltalk | 0 | 0 | 3 | When players can hear each other ([further explanation](../../wiki/sv_alltalk)).<br/>`0` dead don't hear alive<br/>`1` no restrictions<br/>`2` teammates hear each other<br/>`3` Same as 2, but spectators hear everybody
| bot_quota_mode | normal | - | - | Determines the type of quota.<br/>`normal` default behaviour<br/>`fill` the server will adjust bots to keep `N` players in the game, where `N` is bot_quota |