Base Weapon
Blixibon edited this page 2019-11-02 17:25:33 -05:00

This page lists changes to CBaseCombatWeapon, which every weapon derives from. This means every weapon in the game technically possesses these changes, although some changes might only be relevant to a specific group of them.

Some I/O were already possible through other, more complicated means (e.g. keyvalues changed with AddOutput).


  • SetAmmo1 <integer> - Sets the weapon's currently loaded primary ammo.
  • SetAmmo2 <integer> - Sets the weapon's currently loaded secondary ammo.
  • GiveDefaultAmmo <void> - Resets the weapon's loaded ammo to "default", which is usually the max.

  • EnablePlayerPickup <void> - Enables player pickup if it was disabled before.
  • DisablePlayerPickup <void> - Disables player pickup if it was enabled before.
  • EnableNPCPickup <void> - Enables NPC pickup if it was disabled before.
  • DisableNPCPickup <void> - Disables NPC pickup if it was enabled before.

  • BreakConstraint <void> - If the weapon was set to start constrained, this input breaks its constraint.

  • ForcePrimaryFire <void> - Forces the weapon to trigger its primary attack one time. This is supported on most guns, although implementation is weapon-specific and may function differently from weapon to weapon.
  • ForceSecondaryFire <void> - Forces the weapon to trigger its secondary attack one time. This is supported on most guns, although implementation is weapon-specific and may function differently from weapon to weapon.


  • OnDropped <void> - Fires when dropped by a NPC or player, passing the dropper as the activator.


  • Ammo 1 <integer> - Sets the weapon's currently loaded primary ammo. Requires the "Preserve ammo" spawnflag to function.
  • Ammo 2 <integer> - Sets the weapon's currently loaded secondary ammo. Requires the "Preserve ammo" spawnflag to function.


  • Deny NPC pickup 8 - Prevents NPCs from automatically picking up a weapon.
  • Preserve ammo values when picked up 16 - Prevents the weapon from resetting its ammo values before being spawned, picked up, dropped, etc.

NPC/player interaction with weapons

Mapbase adds a bunch of weapon-related I/O/KV to NPCs and players, covered on the Base NPC and Base Player for NPC or player-specific changes and Base Combat Character for changes used by both types.