1 VScript Basic IO Tutorial
Blixibon edited this page 2021-03-13 11:11:44 -06:00

This is part of a set of basic VScript tutorials which explain how to use VScript with no programming experience. This particular tutorial focuses on firing an I/O input from within VScript. This is the same kind of input which would normally be triggered from an entity's output in Hammer or with the ent_fire console command.

For understanding VScript, it might be useful to look at it as being a lot like the I/O system: Each entity can have its own scripts (similar to outputs) and these scripts can be influenced by other scripts (or just inputs).

For this tutorial, we'll create a simple script which fires the SetHealth input on the player with a parameter of 85, which sets the player's health to 85. In the I/O system, this can be done directly from an output. In-game, this can be done with the ent_fire command. This tutorial will tell you how this can be done in VScript.

1. Creating a script file

First, go to the scripts/vscripts directory of your mod. If that directory does not exist, create it.

Inside of the scripts/vscripts directory, create a .txt file and change its extension to .nut. You can name it anything you want, like test_script. It should not have any spaces.

Open the file using Notepad, Notepad++, or any other text editor.

2. Adding the code

Inside of this script file, we will begin by adding function SetPlayerHealthTo85() at the top of the file. This defines a new set of code which can be triggered later. In this case, it will be used to fire SetHealth. You can technically use any name for this function, but the name SetPlayerHealthTo85 will be used in this tutorial for simplicity.

After you have added SetPlayerHealthTo85, add a { on the line below it. Then, add a } below that one. These are used to group code within the function.

Your file should now look like this:

function SetPlayerHealthTo85()

Now we will make the function actually fire SetHealth on the player.

In between the { and } lines, add a new line with the text "EntFire()".

function SetPlayerHealthTo85()

EntFire() is a VScript function which fires an input into the map, similar to the ent_fire command in the in-game console.

Like inputs, this function takes parameters in between the brackets, separated by commas. These parameters are similar to what you'd use in an output. To make EntFire() cause the player (!player) to have their health changed (SetHealth) to 85, it must use parameters in this order:

EntFire("!player", "SetHealth", "85")

In the function itself, it would look like this:

function SetPlayerHealthTo85()
	EntFire("!player", "SetHealth", "85")

Whenever the SetPlayerHealthTo85 function is triggered, it will fire the SetHealth input on the player with a parameter of 85, which sets the player's health to 85.

Now that we've written our code, it's time to access it from the map.

3. Running the file

Like outputs, an entity can run a VScript file and store its code until the entity is removed.

Entities can run VScript files through a keyvalue (Entity scripts) or an input (RunScriptFile). Both of these take the filename of the script(s) to run. The extension is optional and you do not need to insert scripts/vscripts. For example, if you named your file test_script.nut and the file is already in scripts/vscripts, then you will only need to use "test_script" as the keyvalue or parameter.

In Hammer, you can create an entity (e.g. a logic_relay or an info_target) and use either the "Entity scripts" keyvalue or the RunScriptFile input on the entity to run your test file.

4. Calling SetPlayerHealthTo85

When the entity runs the script, it will have the SetPlayerHealthTo85 function stored and waiting to be triggered, similar an output. We need to call that function from somewhere.

In the I/O system, this can be done by firing RunScriptCode on the entity running the script. This input should have a parameter of "SetPlayerHealthTo85()", which will tell the entity to call its SetPlayerHealthTo85 function.

You can fire RunScriptCode with this parameter by using something in the map or by using the ent_fire console command in-game.

5. Testing

Compile your map and load it in-game. Test the RunScriptCode input with the SetPlayerHealthTo85() parameter. If you followed these steps correctly, the player's health will be set to 85.

If this does not work, check the steps above and make sure you followed them correctly.

6. Conclusion

You have now written a basic script file which interacts with the I/O system. This tutorial was meant to give a simple interpretation of what VScript can do. The function we wrote was very simple and not very useful alone, but it's a starting point for more complicated logic.

For example, this is the script we used in the tutorial:

function SetPlayerHealthTo85()
	EntFire("!player", "SetHealth", "85")

Now look at this one:

function SetPlayerHealthToRandom()
	local health = RandomInt( 55, 85 )
	EntFire("!player", "SetHealth", health)

This slightly different function, SetPlayerHealthToRandom, sets the player's health to a random number in between 55 and 85.

That is a peek at some of the more complicated logic you can use in VScript, where it actually becomes proper coding. There's even a way to set the player's health without using the I/O system at all.