Mapbase Disclaimers
Blixibon edited this page 2021-04-23 10:29:53 -05:00

Stance on leaked content

Mapbase has a strict no-leak-content policy and only allows content created directly by contributors or content originating from open-source repositories. If you believe any content in Mapbase originates from any leak or unauthorized source (Valve or otherwise), please contact Blixibon immediately. Mapbase is intended to be usable by everyone, including licensed Source projects and Steam mods.

Affiliation with users

Mapbase has a community which can be found on platforms like Discord and many of the mods which take advantage of its features have direct connections to Mapbase's maintainers, primarily for support and consulting purposes. However, Mapbase itself does not maintain any two-way partnership or association with any specific individuals, communities, organizations, or independent mods except for what it is legally bound to by the Source 1 SDK License and third-party legal notices. Mapbase is not liable for the actions of any entities which use Mapbase and/or are involved in Mapbase's affairs or Mapbase's own community. This also applies to Mapbase's contributors and code sources.