List of Modified Source Files
Blixibon edited this page 2020-06-27 10:25:16 -05:00

This article lists all of the default files/scripts in Source 2013/Half-Life 2 which Mapbase modifies in a relevant way. Mods using Mapbase may have these scripts overridden for their own needs, but they may also need to base their changes off of Mapbase's changes in order to use Mapbase's features and fixes correctly.

scripts folder


Game File Name Changes
Shared game_sounds.txt BaseCombatCharacter.FleshBreak was added for some of the dynamic interaction ports on human models.
Shared game_sounds_weapons.txt Weapon_357.NPC_Single, Weapon_357.NPC_Reload, Weapon_Crossbow.NPC_Single, and Weapon_Crossbow.NPC_Reload were added for the new NPC support on various weapons. It also adds soundscripts for the S.L.A.M. from HL2:DM.
Shared global_actors.txt Mapbase adds the "bloody" rebel models to this script so they have proper gender recognition when used on NPCs.
Shared kb_act.lst, kb_def.lst These files have been modified to allow attack3 to show up in the Options menu and be binded to MOUSE3 by default.
HL2 npc_sounds_turret.txt Some of npc_turret_ceiling's sounds were fixed and some unique soundscripts for npc_turret_lab were added.
HL2 weapon_357.txt The sound data has been modified to include the new NPC sounds.
HL2 weapon_crossbow.txt The sound data has been modified to include the new NPC sounds.
HL2 weapon_crowbar.txt The script now specifies the crowbar as a melee weapon and the sound data has been adjusted for a sound fix Mapbase applies to the bludgeon weapon code.
HL2 weapon_rpg.txt The weight has been adjusted for NPC pickups.
HL2 weapon_stunstick.txt The script now specifies the stunstick as a melee weapon. The bucket position and viewmodel also now match HL2:DM's.

scripts/talker folder

Game File Name Changes
Shared response_rules.txt This has been modified to contain new Mapbase criteria, enumerations, etc. and mods should now use response_base.txt to make their own changes to the Response System.