Media Resources
Blixibon edited this page 2022-10-26 12:36:19 -05:00

This article provides all of Mapbase's media resources for reference, archival, and promotional purposes.

Icons and Logos

The original sources for all icons and logos (including unused/obsolete ones and the PDN files used to create them) can be found here. Please note that some of the PDN files are not in sync with their PNG forms.

The icons/logos in active use are listed and previewed below.


Mapbase Logo Mapbase Logo w/ text over Mapbase Logo w/ text below Mapbase Logo w/ text beside


Mapbase Discord Logo Mapbase Discord Logo (Rainbow)

Game Icons

Mapbase HL2 Icon Mapbase Episodic Icon Mapbase HL2:MP Icon


Mapbase Special Alert Logo

Entity Icons

All of Mapbase's entity icons in their original PNG form can be found in this Google Drive folder.

Icon Font

This is the "font" used for Mapbase's custom entity icons and promotional material.

Words are assembled from scratch using this sheet, which is based on characters found in stock entity icons created by Valve. The dimensions are used as-is.
